
Marko Smiljanić , CTO at Institute NIRI ltd.

Intelligent Information Management

One of the hottest challenges in today's IT industry is the need to make computers understand written or spoken natural language. This challenge is addressed by a broad domain known as Text Analytics.

Intelligent Information Management group at Institute NIRI was formed in 2006. Since then, it primarily provides R&D services in the Text Analytics domain. These include Information Extraction, Text Classification, Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning, Linguistic Resources Development, as well as development of more traditional Information Retrieval systems. Systems developed at NIRI understand text to the extent that they can perform Entity Extraction, Opinion Extraction, Relation Extraction, Event and Story extraction, Taxonomy Mapping, as well as Information Cleansing and various kinds of Information Normalization.

To be able to deliver results in this demanding domain, Institute NIRI nurtures a strong relation with the University of Niš, in particular with the Computer Science, Mathematics, and Linguistics departments, combining experts and expertise from various domains in delivering the best approach for any given Text Analytics problem.

If you have a Text Analytics problem, NIRI can offer a sufficiently good initial solution, and then possibly enter in a long term partnership for gradually improving the performance of the system to match your growing needs.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 11-25

Founding Year: 1990

Phone: +381 (18) 421 0479


City: Niš 18000,Knjaževačka 11 Google map

Areas of Activities

ICT and Electrical Engineering

    Programming Languages

      Research and Development


        Information Retrieval Research & Development

        Institute NIRI acts as a technology transfer center, engaging PhD and Master Students, along with senior researchers and IT professionals, in industrial projects related to harnessing the potential of advanced document search/retrieval systems.

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Technical co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing

        Text Analytics Research & Development

        Institute NIRI acts as a technology transfer center, engaging PhD and Master Students, along with senior researchers and IT professionals, in industrial projects related to harnessing the potential of automated text analytics.

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Technical co-operation
        2. Outsourcing co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing

        Partnership in Horizon 2020 (& FP7 last calls)

        Proper funding and partnerships can bring many new ideas in Text Analytics to a productive life. NIRI can offer valuable R&D services in such projects.

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Technical co-operation
        2. Outsourcing co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing
        2. Technical co-operation