

Bilateral Talks

Participants 137
Meetings 122

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After Event 616046

PartnerIT 2012 - matchmaking B2B event
FundraiseIT - conference and investment evening
15.  – 16. November 2012.

Belgrade, Serbia 


Take the chance to meet your new business partners and potential clients among the companies from all around the Europe during dynamic two-day B2B matchmaking event. Learn about possibilities for fundraising and investments in IT projects from well-known serial entrepreneurs and investors, while expanding your international network at FudraiseIT conference. Explore new ideas, develop your knowledge and find new business opportunities.

You are welcome to register your participation for the new event in 2013. here REGISTER for 2013


The PartnerIT is a international B2B matchmaking event organized by Outsourcing Center Serbia, followed by the FundraiseIT conference organized in partnership with Serbian Business Angels Network (SBAN) and other partners. 

B2B matchmaking event
On, you have the opportunity to leave your profile and book your face-to-face meetings with other international companies and research institutions. This is a cost and time-effective way to discover new business and cooperation opportunities while expanding your contact network. All profiles will be published online and will be extensively promoted before the event and could still be viewed after the event.
FundraiseIT conference
During the conference you will be involved in the direct communication channel with competent well-known serial entrepreneurs and investors from Silicon Valley and Europe. In the live discussions panels among successful entrepreneurs and investors you will be able to hear some interesting personal stories, information about various investing models, fundraising methods, success stories, experiences and valuable tips.
Investment evening 
The whole day program on day two will be completed with investment evening where the most interesting regional IT projects will be pitched in front of domestic and foreign investors and representatives of investment fonds.
After such an intensive working day we will invite all the participants and guest to the big farewell party, to continue talks and make new contacts in the relaxing famous Belgrade night life atmosphere.

Why to participate?

  • Present your services/business/technologies/know-how
  • Meet new customers, create networks of mutual interest, find ways for financing your product or technology
  • Meet partners to discuss new innovative solutions and future research ideas
  • Meet qualified and innovative companies to discuss cooperation and create network of mutual interest
  • Hear about possibilities for fundraising and investments in IT project

PartnerIT 2012 – Opportunity you should not miss!

Access to our on-line match-making  tool

  • A personalized schedule with meetings of your choice
  • A catalogue including all match-making participants
  • The possibility to listen to inspiring, internationally recognized speakers
  • Get the latest information on fundraising and investments in IT project
  • Lunch on the 15th and the 16th of November
  • Coffee and refreshments
  • Networking and fun at the big farewell party at the evening on the 16th of November

How to participate?

Register for free and provide a profile describing your business.

All the participants’ profiles will be published on this website. Search for business opportunities and book meetings with participants you are interested in. 

The official language of the conference is English.


Free of charge. 

All meals and refreshments are provided for participants!

Dates & Deadlines

Deadlines Tasks
 15 Nov. Deadline for online registration – Insert your cooperation profile
12 Nov. Deadline to book your meeting requests

The earlier you submit your collaboration profile the more it will be recognized.

See you in November in Belgrade!

 +381 11 329 43 70

Register for 2013

  • register.png



Some Featured Speakers

  • Paige Craig

    Paige Craig
    Serial investor:,, stealth startup...
    Jon Soberg
    Managing Director at Blumberg Capital, Venture Investor & Serial Entrepreneur: Addepar, Any.DO, ChirpMe, Coverhound

    Gerald Heydenreich

    Gerald Heydenreich
    Serial entrepreneur & investor: Pippa&Jean, OmnisMundi, BuyVIP S.L.

    Ari Korhonen

    Ari Korhonen
    Serial investor: Seedcamp, Sky SQL, WOT Services...
    EBAN vice president 
    Finnish Business Angel Network


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B2B Supported by

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Conference Supported by

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  • Chamber of Commerce of Serbia

    Serbian Chamber of Commerce 


