
Vladimir Koprić , Director at Coprix media d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (09:30 - 12.00)
  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (12:30 - 17.00)

Coprix Media d.o.o. is a StartUp Company specifically tailored for production of highly customized cross-platform applications.

Our first project InterAktivni Bukvar / InterActive Spelling book, has been approved by Ministry of Educationa and Technological advances, we have won 1st place on international StartUp Live competition and will be presenting the project on Pioneers festival in Vienna on 30. October 2012.

We are a very mixed team, consisting of university professors, teachers, coders, designers, illustrators, animators, brand managers, product managers, marketing managers and many more.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 1-10

Phone: +38111


City: Belgrade 11000,Zmaja od Noćaja 13b Google map

Areas of Activities

Telecommunications, Broadcast and Media


      Programming Languages


        Project InterActive Education

        We need Investors for further development of InterActive Education project.
        InterActive Education project consists of several educational mobile apps, all developed with full support of teachers and caregivers. Our first application InterAktivni Bukvar has already won 1st place on international competition StartUp Live! InterAktivni Bukvar pilot project in schools has already been approved by Ministry of Education and Technological advances.

        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing

        Mobile App distributors

        We need experienced Mobile App distributors with developed channels of distribution for Ex-YU region and Europe.

        Cooperation Requested
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation

        Mobile App development

        We need experienced cross platform mobile app developers.

        Cooperation Requested
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation