
Boris Zolotarev , General Manager at Pamet d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (09:30 - 12.00)
  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (09:30 - 12.00)


Pamet uses state of the art technology in the development of software for its clients. With a highly trained team sharing information using sophisticated knowledge management tools, Pamet can quickly integrate and deploy tested and proven technologies for software applications.
Pamet stresses education, effective automated processes and intensive training so the company stays on the leading edge of software development and can quickly respond to new technical challenges.
While Pamet’s core competency is the architecting, developing and integrating web and mobile applications, Pamet has the skills to produce other types of software as well. An extensive list of technologies and platforms that Pamet has experience in only tells a small part of the story.
Equally important is our ability to apply this experience efficiently and produce the right solution for the client.

Pamet architects, plans, builds and integrates:

* Web Solutions as secure web-based application environments that aggregate information and capabilities from a number of underlying systems and make those accessible to the various end users.

* Business Processes Automation (BPA) and Workflow Systems that streamline operations, reduce the workload and errors and increase efficiency of the employees.

* Mobile Applications that leverage Web Solution and BPA Systems while providing user experience optimized for a wide range of mobile devices and technologies.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 11-25

Founding Year: 1995

Phone: +381.11.2600.878


City: Belgrade 11000,Milentija Popovica 9 Google map

Areas of Activities

ICT and Electrical Engineering

    Programming Languages


      Software development

      Pamet uses and supports industry standard technologies. The list of supported technologies is being constantly updated, so please contact us if you have any questions about whether Pamet can support a particular technology not shown in the list.

      • Amazon Web Services
      • Linux and Windows Server Platforms
      • Windows desktop development

      • Oracle
      • MS SQL Server
      • PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM DB2, Informix

      Application Servers and Frameworks
      • IBM WebSphere
      • ATG Dynamo Application Framework
      • Oracle WebLogic
      • JBoss
      • Apache Tomcat
      • Perl, PHP, Ruby and others
      • Grails
      • WordPress

      Programming and Software Skills
      • Java, J2EE
      • Spring
      • Hibernate, JPA
      • XML, XSL, CSS
      • JHTML and HTML
      • Java Script (jQuery, ExtJS, Dojo)

      Other Technologies
      • Asterisk PBX and other VoIP platforms
      • Payment and Credit Card processing
      • Android
      • webOS

      Keywords: softwareoursourcingjavaspringhibernateIBMATGasteriskvoipandroidpayment
      Cooperation Offered
      1. Outsourcing co-operation
      2. Technical co-operation