Bilateral Meetings
- 15.11.2012 Thursday (12:30 - 17.00)

Morena inzenjering is a software engineering company based in Serbia, with twenty years of experience in the domain.
Morena’s corporate strategy comprises two different approaches for regional and worldwide market.
In Serbia and Montenegro, Morena is one of the leading software solution providers for hospitality services, transport and food production (for more details please visit
On the global market, Morena offers nearshore/offshore IT services with high level of expertise and reasonable prices. Find out more about what we do in the areas of mobile platform development, natural language processing, social networks, etc. on our corporate blog
IDE, Platforms, Skils, Technologies:
. Visual Studio.NET, Eclipse
. C#, Java, SQL, SPARQL
. Windows, Unix, Android
. Apache UIMA, DBpedia, WordNet
. MS SQL Server, Virtuoso
. ASP.NET, Servlets, REST
. Azure, EC2
The last couple of years have seen the engineering dynamics, resulting in the shift of focus to mobile applications with the final outcome being successfully developed advanced native apps for Android, Windows Phone 7 and iOS mobile operating systems. These apps include social networking applications with cloud based services (Windows Azure and Amazon EC2), and mobile VoIP apps. Furthermore, contributing to our overall dynamics is the vast experience in the area of knowledge based natural language processing systems.
Major projects for domestic clients:
. "MorenaInn" - hotel property management system
. "FrutIs" - frozen fruit/vegetable processing management system
. "Columbo" - transportation management system
Major projects for foreign clients:
. Entity extraction, connecting natural language processing and structured data retrieval
. Context discovering (sport, music, food and movies at the moment, but could be any in a few days), sentiment classification using machine learning
. Fetching and analysing your or your Facebook friends posts
. Push-To-Talk mobile application
. Social network mobile application intended to bring people together based on their interests overcoming language barriers
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 11-25
Founding Year: 1992
Phone: 38118513668
City: Nis 18000,Bul. Nikole Tesle 17 Google map
Areas of Activities
ICT and Electrical Engineering
Research and Development
Owing to the long tradition and substantial experience in business processes, we are able to offer complete service from software architecture proposal and project management, to the execution of software development tasks. Our team consists of experienced professionals, fortified by talented young developers always eager to gain additional knowledge by working challenging projects. Our practice is to communicate directly with foreign clients. We have a long tradition in customer service domain and are able to cope with a wide range of requests, and transform them to software requirements in the shortest time possible.
Read more:
- Outsourcing co-operation
Mobile VoIP apps development
Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking.
--Stephen Hawking
Developing mobile voice application for Android that operates on top of the Facebook social graph. It helps you connect with your friends and interest networks just in a single click. The Network architecture is based on the mumble VoIP server and represents a network of VoIP clients, middleware (MW) and VoIP server.
Read about on our corporate blog.
The project is developed for the Canadian partner:
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Investment/Financing
Social network mobile apps development
We offer mobile (Android, iPhone...) application R&D, as well as HTML5 based hybrid mobile apps. These apps include social networking applications with cloud based services (Windows Azure and Amazon EC2).
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Investment/Financing
Question Answering IS: information retreival and natural language processing
Question Answering (QA) is a computer science discipline within the fields of information retrieval and natural language processing (NLP) which is concerned with building systems that automatically answer questions posed by humans in a natural language.
Our team has developed state of the art QA system based on free knowledge sources such as Wikipedia, Dbpedia and WordNet.
We offer our QA system for further development, integration in other systems or distribution, as well as our expertise in natural language processing.
Try it yourself:
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Investment/Financing