
Vladimir Avramov , CEO at Yellow Quince

Bilateral Meetings

  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (09:30 - 12.00)
  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (12:30 - 17.00)

Yellow Quince is a young and aspiring company built on two main principles: to provide entertainment for others and to keep ourselves entertained. We strive to create a unique experience by creating original, high quality browser and social games for both passionate and casual players. We try to implement out-of-the-box thinking at every corner and never hesitate to introduce new elements, never seen before in games of the respective genre.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 1-10

Founding Year: 2008

Phone: +381600887288


City: Novi Sad 21000,Balzakova 39 Google map

Areas of Activities

Social, cultural and sports actvities




        Financing multi-platform project AEON7

        AEON7 is a multi-platform MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) science fiction game set in distant future. It features some of classical elements of real time strategy browser games as well as a number of new features and a lot of innovation in respective genre. It aims to immerse players into a wast world designed with spectacular level of detail, a unique storyline, with a well established community.

        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing

        Social and Browser games development

        We provide full cycle support to our customers in the project, going through the following steps:

        • Game design and refinement of initial idea
        • Assistance in further development of gameplay and balance
        • Design and illustration
        • Frontend and backend software development
        • Quallity Assurance
        • Promotion on major portals after official launch.

        We are looking forward to your creative ideas and innovations.

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Outsourcing co-operation