
Péter Csákvári , Director at Proactive Management Consulting Ltd. on behalf of ICT Cluster (Hungary)

Bilateral Meetings

  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (09:30 - 12.00)
  • 15.11.2012 Thursday (12:30 - 17.00)

ICT Cluster is a union of economic organizations that work in the field of info communication, R+D, innovation and management. Members are for-profit or non-profit organisations with managing agent of Hungarian Telecom. The mission of the cluster is to become the leading info communication alliance that will be able to utilize and capitalize the result of researches.

The members of the cluster co-operate towards the increase of their competitive power, knowledge and the appeal of their workplaces. Their common goal is to identify the innovative business, training and HR opportunities with the aim of adventurous initiatives and export enhancement not only at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) but also in its broader social-economical environment. It is useful catalisator of products and services that society need. The cluster collaborates with domestic and foreign, for-profit or non-profit organizations that support the execution of common objectives.

A list of the current members of the cluster is to be found at:

The management of ICT Cluster has been trusted to Proactive Management Consulting Ltd. (PMC), a Hungarian management consulting firm with many years of experience in cluster management.

PMC was founded in 2002 by Mr. Tibor Héjj, former International Vice President and Principal of the Budapest Office of A.T. Kearney.

PMC is a result- and value-oriented consulting enterprise with strong backbone of both domestically and internationally experienced employees. Our firm offers a wide range of services within Business Consulting, ranging from strategic development to strategy workshops and management training. Furthermore, it has excellent references and a huge experience in the field of cluster management, innovation management and project management. Last, but not least, the firm also excels in helping its clients attract capital, in the form of EU grants, liaising with investors and services related to corporate finance.

Country: Hungary

Organization Type: Cluster

Organization Size: 1-10

Founding Year: 2007

Phone: +3612661778


City: Budapest HU-1126,30 Szendrő Str. Google map

Areas of Activities

ICT and Electrical Engineering

    Telecommunications, Broadcast and Media

      Business Services

        Central Government

          Local Government and Gov. Institutions


              Research and Development