
Vladimir Dabic , Director at NDP Audit & Consulting

We are a part of group of companies specially formed to provide all necessary services to any foreign company interested to enter the Serbian market.

The group is comprised of:

-NDP Audit & Consulting Ltd Belgrade ( – provides audit and accounting services as well as legal, financial and tax advisory accompanied with domiciliary and a wide range of corporate outsourcing services. It was founded by the Moore Stephens Nathans Ireland ( member of the London-based Moore Stephens International,
-International Center for Financial Market Development Ltd Belgrade ( - top Serbian advisory firm that successfully operates for more than a decade by delivering various business solutions in the fields of ownership structuring, M&A, privatization, greenfield & brownfield investments, and
-Intercity broker JSC Belgrade ( – broker-dealer firm specialized in securities trading on the Belgrade Stock Exchange which successfully deals with more than 50,000 clients.

We provide all legal services related to setting-up a company in Serbia. In addition, we provide full legal, financial and tax advisory services, after registering a company in Serbia, as well as accounting services, virtual office and secretarial services. We help the client in acquiring or renting an office space or production facility, assist him in employing necessary staff, setting up hardware and software environment and in solving any other requirements related to everyday business of the new company in Serbia.

Our goal is to provide all services to the client at one place (unique “one-stop shop” system in Serbia) which are required by Serbian laws. The client gets all services and answers at one place and avoids any problems caused by limited obligations of other firms if selected for each individual service. We also suggest and assist the client in using Government incentives connected to its business in Serbia.

For more information, please visit

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 11-25

Phone: +381 11 3085-780


City: Belgrade 11000,Toplicin venac 3/IV Google map

Areas of Activities

Business Services


    One-stop-shop for entering Serbian market

    Let us be your one-stop shop in your access to Serbian market. We will save your time and money, performing all the needed activities on your behalf, reducing your involvement to the necessary minimum.

    We are acting as your partner in helping setting up a business in Serbia. We provide all necessary services for your business in Serbia divided in following groups:

    Incorporation services
    Accounting & Tax advisory services
    Company management services & Employment
    Virtual office/office rent & secretarial services

    We are providing our services in English and French as well.

    Just send your question and we will get back with proper information in short time.

    Keywords: incorporationaccountingdue diligencevaluationsresearchlegal support
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Outsourcing co-operation